
Connecting 7.1-channel speakers

Example connections when using surround back speakers

This 7.1-channel surround system is the same as a basic 5.1-channel system but with surround back speakers.

Pict SurrBack SP Layout X2200

Set “Floor” - “Layout” to “5ch & SB” in the menu when connecting in this configuration. link

Conne SP 7.1 SB A110E3

When using a single surround back speaker, connect it to the SURROUND BACK L terminal.

Example connections when using front wide speakers

This 7.1-channel surround system is the same as a basic 5.1-channel system but with front wide speakers.

Pict SP Layout 7.1 FW
Conne SP 7.1 FW A110E3

Set “Floor” - “Layout” to “5ch & FW” in the menu when connecting in this configuration. link

Example connections when using ceiling speakers

This 7.1-channel surround system is the same as a basic 5.1-channel system but with ceiling speakers.

Pict SP Layout 7.1 TM
Conne SP 7.1 TM A110E3

Set “Floor” - “Layout” to “5ch” and “Height Sp” to “2ch” in the menu when connecting in this configuration. link

The top front or top rear speakers can be connected instead of the top middle speakers. In this case, set the ceiling speakers to be connected under “Height” - “Layout” in the menu. link

Example connections when using height speakers

This 7.1-channel surround system is the same as a basic 5.1-channel system but with front height speakers.

Pict FrontHeight SP Layout X2200
Conne SP 7.1 FH A110E3

Set “Floor” - “Layout” to “5ch” and “Height Sp” to “2ch” in the menu when connecting in this configuration. link

The rear height speakers can be connected instead of the front height speakers. In this case, set the height speakers to be connected under “Height” - “Layout” in the menu. link

Example connections when using Dolby Atmos Enabled speakers

This 7.1-channel surround system is the same as a basic 5.1-channel system but with front Dolby speakers.

Pict FrontDolby SP Layout X2200
Conne SP 7.1 FD A110E3

Set “Floor” - “Layout” to “5ch” and “Dolby Sp” to “2ch” in the menu when connecting in this configuration. link, link

The surround Dolby speakers can be connected instead of the front Dolby speakers. In this case, set the Dolby Atmos Enabled speakers to be connected under “Height” - “Layout” in the menu. link

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